Festival Flamenco Albuquerque

Every summer, the National Institute of Flamenco and the University of New Mexico host Festival Flamenco Alburquerque, bringing the finest flamenco artists in the world to Albuquerque. For eight days, the city is filled with the pulse of flamenco, and is transformed into a cultural epicenter for the art form.

In 2019, I collaborated with Artist Jodie Herrera in designing the main image for the 32nd Festival Flamenco Albuquerque. Jodie and I spent weeks working together creating the design that she painted as the main image for the festival. Once the artwork was complete, I then created the main poster for the festival and all accompanying marketing/ advertising materials that included: posters, invitations, billboards, digital ads, t-shirts, and more.


Branding, Print Design & Digital Advertising


Urban Zen

